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会長のブログ シンポジウム2004 ノーベル経済学賞受賞者からの手紙 会長プロフィール
Dear Mr. Ono,
 Thank you for sending me the interesting simulations that you and Dr. Shishido have made with Paul Samuelson’s suggested policy mix. Without seeing your model, in full detail, I cannot really comment on the inflation figures that you get. I think 4% is too high as a target. In that range, some inflationary expectations may be stimulated. I would like to see inflation held at about 2%, but I do like your GDP recovery, but is not fully sustained.
 My proposal would be 1. money expansion; BoJ purchases government debt. Taxes should be cut, but I would mix this aspect of fiscal policy stimulus with a long period program of upgrading Japan’s education system (better teachers, more pay for example ? and maintenance of student effort through University years). Maybe a 50-50 mix between education spending and tax reduction.
 But you need a feedback from supply side. Better-educated work force means an increase in human capital and higher productivity. Unit labor costs should be restrained; profits move steadily.
Lawrence R. Klein
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